Wines now available to order
The warehouse transfer is complete and wines are once again available for order. Please note that some orders placed in the last week of December may have been cancelled and may need to be resubmitted again.
Thank you for your patience and please feel free to reach out with any questions.
To view the current portfolio, please click on:
Please note:
While the portfolio is regularly updated with current availabilities, occasional delays in inventory reporting inherent in British Columbia’s distribution system can result in inaccuracies, particularly when a product has low stock. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about specific quantities available.
The price listed in the Wholesale column refers to the cost per bottle for licensees. Wholesale prices include BCLDB taxes of approximately 100%, which is applied not just to the wine itslef, but also to input costs such as shipping and warehousing.
The price listed in the Retail column is set by the BC Liquor Distribution Branch with their additional markup for non-licensed customers. However, these wines are not normally available in public BC Liquor Stores. Consumers should know that this markup is determined arbitrarily by BCLDB on all of the wine they purchase, without explanation, consultation, transparency, or accountability. Margins in excess of 30% are applied on top of the taxes included in the wholesale price. At the point of sale, consumers are also charged GST plus the 10% provincial liquor sales tax.
Licensees normally order through their regular channels. To schedule a tasting, please contact us.
Other wine lovers:
In addition to the various stores and restaurants listed here, these wines can be ordered by the case through liquor stores. Contact customer service at your favourite store and provide them with the SKU number listed on the portfolio.